
«¿Tú te has enamorado alguna vez?»

Nunca habrás sido besado hasta que no te hayan besado el alma.
Líate con quien quieras.
Prueba los labios que te de la gana.
Véndete por un poco de amor de pega en cualquier cama.

Pero nunca te consideres besado si no te han besado el alma.
Si no han llenado de saliva tus miedos.
Si no han desinfectado con calma tus yagas.
Sé comprada con un poco de amor del bueno en la cama.

Y ríete de quienes pregonan su amor y no ser el mismo alma.
Apiádate de quienes hacen su oferta, y no hallan la demanda.

Pero nunca habrás sido besado hasta que no te hayan besado el alma.
Hasta que no te hayas preguntado quién eres.
Qué eres.
Qué haces por amar.
Y ser amado.
Véndete. Pero véndete bien.
No seas un sonajero de un todo a cien.
Si has de ser comprada, que te compren bien.

Y ríete de quienes dicen que el amor es una mierda.
Y apiádate de quienes dicen que el amor es una mierda.
Porque a ellos no les han besado el alma.
O se vendieron mal.
O les compraron mal.
Y confundieron el final de algo
con el final del amor.

El amor no muere. Cambia.

Y ríete del amor.
Y apiádate del amor.
Porque el amor se ha reído de ti.
Porque el amor se ha apiadado de ti.
Porque el amor te ha premiado a ti.
Porque el amor... ay, el amor.

El amor te ha besado el alma.



I would be tired. So tired after an exam. It would be a long, long day and I would get home looking down. I would just throw my bag in the floor and then just lie on the sofa while I see nothing but the white ceiling over my head. I would open my eyes back in life after an hour of a very needed siesta with your kiss in my forehead and your bright smile in front of my poor and fuzzy vision until it became sharp. And then my lips would fall in yours as my heart does every morning since I met you. And I would smile. 

The sun would be looking for our skin searching all around the room, just as we would do right there. In the sofa. While TV just shuts up. While the world just keeps moving as if there is something more important than we two. While people keep arguing about nothing relevant. While people keep driving down the road. While sounds keep pushing the windows.

And we would be nothing special but everything we could be. While the TV just watchs us. Then we would just take some ramen and sit in front of the computer to see a movie. Any movie. While the world just keeps moving as if there is something more important than we two. And we would tell each other how our day was and how awful our tasks are while people keep arguing about nothing relevant. And you would just do the washing while people keep driving down the road. And we would be the voices that keep pushing the windows, the walls, the sofa, the TV, the carpet, the kitchen, the bathroom, the bed of our home.



Contra viento y marea, mi vendaval,
capea con ánimo el temporal.
Vendrá la calma, reirá el mar,
será el sol quien te vea volar.
Contra viento y marea, mi vendaval,
ríe, ríe y olvídate de la sal.